Who You Help

No. of Philanthropists

41 Donated


Vulnerable Children and Youth

– Protecting Children and Youth who are Abused and/or Severely Neglected

We provide fundamental care and guidance for vulnerable children and youth where suitable, collaborate with families to provide safe, stable and permanent care, and with each child’s best interests at heart.

Children and Youth Services

 Supporting, Nurturing and Inspiring our Children and Youth

We provide value-adding care, nurture and inspire children and youth, to complement what their parents and guardians provide.

Family Services

 Supporting and Strengthening our Families in Need

We support and strengthen families in need by working together with them.

Research and Advocacy

 A Voice for our Children and their Future We perform research and advocacy work to protect and promote the well-being of children, youth and their families, as well as to enhance the usefulness of social services to children and youth. Research Bites is Singapore Children’s Society’s bi-annual research newsletter, which aims to make research findings more accessible to interested members of the public and professionals working with children, youth and families. Click here to view and subscribe: Research Newsletter: Research Bites (childrensociety.org.sg)